Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If, for any reason, EZShield products or services do not meet our customers' needs, they may cancel their service and request a refund at any time.
Our 100% Service Guarantee
We guarantee our Resolution Specialists won't stop working for customers until they are completely satisfied that their identity has been restored.
End2End DefenseSM
A three phase, industry leading fraud resolution process that includes (1) discovery, (2) isolation & restoration and (3) prevention along with the EZShield Promise®.
The EZShield Promise®
EZShield will continue engaging in these services on behalf of the Customer either until the records identifying the fraudulent transactions associated with the Identity Theft Event are corrected, or until EZShield reasonably determines that further efforts to revise such records would not be successful. When EZShield determines the circumstances of your case puts the Customer's identity at a continued risk for further Identity Theft Events, EZShield will deploy certain preventative and complementary services to the Customer, to help mitigate
such risks.